Registration Remains Open for ‘Cord Blood Connect’

Sessions, e-posters and exhibits will be live streamed on Sept. 30

Register now for this year’s Cord Blood Connect international congress. The live-stream scientific, technical and educational sessions, panels, e-posters and virtual exhibits will resume on Thursday.


Splitting the congress into two days held a week apart proved to be popular last year. Participants did not have to be tied to screens for consecutive days.

The agenda for the congress includes these major sessions:


      Advances in cord blood transplantation for leukemia

      Beyond ex-vivo expansion for malignant and non-malignant diseases

      Cord blood transplant outcomes: Clinical and economic perspectives

      Critical aspects of MSC manufacturing for clinical use

      Emerging therapies and regenerative medicine: Development of safe and effective products

      Directed donor cord blood banking for transplantation and gene therapy

      Immune-modulating cell therapies


      Cord blood banking 2.0  

      Innovations in cord blood banking to democratize HSCT

      Cord blood banking sustainability: Strategies for the future 

      Improved time and access to cord blood transplantation: What transplant centers want

      Perinatal tissue as source material for novel cell therapies

      What doctors and donors should know about cord blood banking

  Regulation, Ethics and Policy

      Elements of consenting donors for novel uses of birthing tissues

Continuing medical education (CME), continuing medical laboratory education (CMLE), and certificates of attendance will be provided.

Thursday's webcast will be 9 am-5 pm in the Eastern time zone of the United States, and 3-11 pm CEST in Central Europe. The entire day will be re-broadcast for Asia, Australia and the Pacific Rim on Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 at 7 am-3 pm CST in Beijing, 8 am-4 pm JST in Tokyo, and 9 am-5 pm AEST in Australia.

All session will be archived for on-demand viewing by congress registrants in the weeks and months after the live webcasts.