Honoring the Life of David Blackett

In Memoriam: David Blackett 
It is with a heavy heart that we learned that, last Friday, the CBA community lost a dear friend and key partner, David Blackett. David worked at Viacord/Perkin Elmer/Revvity, was a founding member of the CBA Board of Directors, a huge supporter of the organization, and of the cord blood banking community. We will miss his thoughtful advice and counsel and his many contributions to the CBA. Today, we send our condolences to his family and want them to know that we will keep him in our hearts and prayers and that he will always be a cherished member of the CBA family.

An announcement about a celebration of David's life later today is found here.

CBA Letter to the Editor of the NYT, In Response to July 15 Article on Cord Blood Banking

On July 15, 2024, the New York Times (NYT) published an article about cord blood banking which was biased and reported negative information about family cord blood banking and also minimized the value of cord blood as a donor source for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The CBA has responded by submitting a letter to the editor, (limited to ~200 words by the NYT) which is under review by the New York Times staff and we are hopeful it will be published. In addition, we are planning to submit an Op Ed to present unbiased and accurate information about the status, uses, and future of cord blood banking in the near future. Please let us know your thoughts and suggestions for subjects to cover in the Op Ed submission by emailing [email protected]

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Register Today for Cord Blood Connect 2024!


Join us at #CBC2024 and take advantage of:

As an attendee, you'll gain access to the latest clinical and laboratory science, technical innovations, exhibits, posters, and more. This is your chance to enhance your expertise and connect with the global cord blood and perinatal tissue community! 

Register Now


NEW: CBA Foundation Travel Grants - The CBA Foundation is offering three $1,500 need-based travel grants to current CBA members. For more details and guidelines, please refer to the application form. The deadline to apply is July 26. Recipients of another travel grant from the CBA are not eligible.

Benefits of Membership

Join Cord Blood Association

The CBA is an international, non-profit organization that promotes both public and family cord blood banking, with the objectives of saving lives, improving health and changing medicine.

Our priorities are advocacy, quality products and services, market expansion, research and development, and public and professional education. If you share these interests, you are cordially invited to join with us.

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Information for Expectant Parents

Parent Information for Cord Blood

Expectant parents are faced with important decisions, even before their baby is born. One of the most important is a life-altering decision about whether to bank their baby’s umbilical cord blood, or donate it to help others. If the precious stem cells in cord blood are not banked, they are discarded as medical waste.

There’s no one choice that’s right for all parents. But health care professionals and parents have developed guidelines to help with the decision.

Learn More